Your gateway to millions of microforms and digital reproductions of books

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Codes for Digital Forms

Select your options and send the form by clicking on [Submit]. Copy the code sequence, which will then be shown on your screen, and paste it to the correct field of the record.

UNIMARC - 135$a

Type of electronic resource

Special material designation




Image Bit Depth (three characters always)

001 = Example for exact bit depth (from 001 to 999)
mmm = Multiple (more than one image type)
nnn = Not applicable
--- = Unknown

Number of File Formats
Select from scroll menue

Quality Assurance Target(s)


Level of Compression

Reformatting Quality

MARC21 - 007

00 - Category of material

01 - Special material designation

02 - Undefined position, left blank or filled with fill character |

03 - Color

04 - Dimensions

05 - Sound

06-08 - Image Bit Depth (three characters always)

001 = Example for exact bit depth (from 001 to 999)
mmm = Multiple (more than one image type)
nnn = Not applicable
--- = Unknown
||| = No attempt to code

09 - File formats

10 - Quality Assurance Target(s)

11 - Antecedent/source

12 - Level of Compression

13 - Reformatting Quality

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Last modified:: 2014-06-10, 5:55