Your gateway to millions of microforms and digital reproductions of books

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. I'm interested in an item in your database. Can you please send me a copy?

Unfortunately we can't. EROMM is not a holding institution, and provides only metadata on digitized and microfilmed books. We don't have copies of the items. You may order copies from the institution holding the original items, you find in EROMM Classic, though. Follow the link below the record's full display for contact details.

2. EROMM Search, EROMM Classic, EROMM Web Search... I'm lost - what's the difference?

The overall search engine of EROMM is called EROMM Search. It's based on two databases. EROMM Classic is the original database of EROMM. It holds detailed bibliographic descriptions. EROMM Web Search is a database that also contains information from sources which offer less detailed descriptions.
Using EROMM Search will query both databases and yield two result sets - one of each database. For more information please refer to EROMM Search - Description & Scope

3. I found a picture of a non-textual item in EROMM Search. I thought you don't include these?

You are right - usually we don't (see EROMM Search - Description & Scope), but sometimes its impossible for us to separate items out from a source that don't fit in our scope. In that case our philosophy is to rather take “everything” (including non-textual items) than to skip that source. So you will find some records “out of scope”.

4. Why do I find some records of source XY in your database, but others not?

This is probably because our update frequency can't keep up with record production of the source. Especially EROMM Classic gets updated less frequently, so there is always some delay (maybe one or two months). We try as fast as possible, but checking, validating and converting detailed bibliographic data takes some time.

5. I know of reformatted items that are not in EROMM Search yet. Interested?

Sure, we'd love to include them into our database. Please check How to Share Data with EROMM for details and a submission form. Thank you!

6. I can't find EROMM Request. Where is it?

EROMM has decided to discontinue this service by the end of 2012. For more information please see the news.

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Last modified:: 2013-06-27, 16:54